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Apple Watch saves a skier’s life

Apple Watch saves a skier’s life. The Apple Watch detected pulmonary edema in a 16-year-old boy, possibly saving his life.

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Marcella Lee, anchor of the CBS 8 news channel in San Diego, told viewers how a recent trip to Colorado almost killed her son. Although the whole family had already skied regularly and knew Colorado, everyone initially had problems with high altitudes.

“We took ibuprofen and drank lots of water to stay hydrated and figured it would just take a couple of days to acclimate,” Lee said. “On Friday morning, my 16-year-old son said he wasn’t feeling well enough to ski.”

“At night, when I checked on my son, I noticed that his lips were a little blue, as were his fingertips,” he continued. “He was dark and it was late and I couldn’t really tell if I was seeing well and if he was really blue.”

“And all of a sudden I remembered that my Apple Watch has a feature that measures oxygen saturation,” Lee says. “I quickly put the watch on my son’s wrist and as those seconds ticked by, what popped up was a frightening 66% oxygen saturation.”

The woman says that she, from an online search, she discovered that if the oxygen saturation in the blood drops to 88% or less, you should immediately seek medical attention.

Lee then took her son to the local emergency room and the equipment confirmed that her son’s oxygen level was 67%. Only 1% difference compared to what was reported by the Apple Watch.